Events Calendar

Call to Prayer
Thursday, March 19, 2020


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Fellow home educating families, we have made the difficult decision to cancel our regular March meeting.  As much as we enjoy encouraging and lifting one another up in meeting together and sharing our struggles and successes as we strive to educate our children, we want to be cautious and continue to practice the "social distancing" that we have been increasingly called upon to follow in our country.  We make this decision not out of fear, but out of concern for each of you.  As Paul instructed Timothy, "God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control"~2 Timothy 1:7 So we are choosing to love our community and brothers and sisters through the suggested means of forsaking the gathering together this month.  We are continuing to trust God with the future that He has laid out before us, and we hold our plans with an open hand. 

Though we will not meet together this month in person, we can meet together in spirit.  We can use the time we would normally gather together to pray for our nation.  Let's pray for

  • Our government leaders-that they would have wisdom and discernment about how to best keep us safe as this virus spreads
  • Our communities-that neighbors would be helpful towards one another and that we would share necessary resources we have available
  • Healthcare workers-that they would be quick to diagnose illnesses, make quick and accurate decisions, and be protected from sickness themselves
  • Other families-that all the families who are accustomed to being in separate places every day would use this time of extra togetherness to strengthen their bonds, that parents who are facing helping their students with school and feel ill-prepared would be led to some of the same resources we enjoy daily and use to teach our own children
  • Our own families-that we would not live in a state of fear but confidence in our Lord who knows and has shown Himself faithful to us in the past, and that we would also strengthen our bonds as many of us are also spending more time at home that we are accustomed to as well.

We look forward to the day we can meet face to face again and, more importantly, to the day there will no longer be disease and we enjoy the glory of the Lord in person!




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